My name is Alessandro Trapasso. I am a PhD Student in Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University of Rome (DIAG). I work with the research groups RoCoCo Lab and WhiteMech, and my supervisors are Prof. Luca Iocchi and Fabio Patrizi.

I am doing a PhD visiting period at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, and I am working with Prof. Anders Jonnson.

I obtained an MSc. and BSc. in Engineering in Computer Science at Sapienza University of Rome. From 2022, I am a qualified Professional Engineer in Italy.

My research interests are in the field of Artificial Intelligence. I’m interested in integrating planning and learning, especially using a Model-based RL approach in multi-agent systems.

I have a great passion for Machine Learning, football and chess. I think having passion and curiosity, wanting to improve yourself to become a better version of yourself, makes a difference in every field where you want to excel. I am a positive person and like to invest my time doing what I love.

Alessandro Trapasso
